Are You An IBV Or A DBV?

Are you an IBV or a DBV? To find out which, read my guest post on The Writers Bureau blog, which can be found here:


5 thoughts on “Are You An IBV Or A DBV?”

  1. Oh Simon, Simon, Simon,

    What a delightful full – inspiring actually.I’m definitely an IBV.

    I am often drawn to views like the one you captured in your first photo.

    It inspires thoughts of a woman, reeling from a broken heart, heads to a little cabin by the lake. On the mornings when she manages to drag herself out of her bed of tears, she strolls out to an Adirondack chair that sits on the edge of the water. She sips her steaming coffee, nibbles on a bland cheese sandwich and scribbles in her journal. The boat reeks of memories of Summer evening sailings. They are bitter-sweet and she’s not sure if she will ever recover from losing her Alain.

    See? I told you I’m an IBV.

  2. Ahhh, I had never really given any thought to “views” before, but now I have, I have a question… Is it possible to be both? You see, when I thought about times I have been writing with a different view, or a changing view, I realised that two things happen. Initially, I will be distracted from my project – I will be drawn away from my train of thought, sometimes never to return. However, if I give the view enough of my attention I begin to find new ideas – a new story to tell, new inspiration.

    Am I an IBV or a DBV? Yes and yes – perhaps I could be described as a DIBV…?

  3. What a lovely scene you paint there Cheryl! It is amazing what a view can do, isn’t it?

    And Bev, I suppose it is possible to both at times. For me, a good view seems to empty my head of everything else that is going on in life, thus allowing my creativity to thrive. I do say that it’s good to have a notebook with you whilst you sit and stare – a notebook is the safest way to capture those thoughts! Often, I start scribbling, and then continue, until I get a bit stuck, and so I look up again at the view, which has most probably changed because of the weather, and somehow, I always manage to get going again. I suppose, I could say that a view with a sunset can be distracting, because I love watching the ever-changing skies as the sun descends toards tomorrow. Perhaps Bev, instead of a DIBV, you could be an IdBV (putting the positive first, and making the negative lowercase, rather than uppercase!).


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