Shropshire Federation of WI Creative Writing Workshops

A couple of weeks ago (I’ve been away and this has been my first opportunity to post something!) I was invited by the Shropshire Federation of WI to run a creative writing workshop for a day, where some of their members could stretch their creative muscles.

I had a fab time! Fifteen eager writers turned up and they all had a go at all of the exercises that I threw at them. I always worry whether anyone will be comfortable enough to read something out – something that isn’t easy to do in a relatively large group – but I needn’t have done because everyone had a go at some point.

The Shropshire Federation of WI … writing!

What I love about exercises like this is the variety of results. For the practicality of some of the exercises I often give my groups an idea for them to work on. (Suddenly demanding that writers come up with an idea at the click of my fingers is enough to frighten the creative muse of anyone, so it’s always useful to give them something to start working on.)

And despite giving 15 writers exactly the same idea there are always 15 different creations at the end of the exercises.

So I’d like to thank everyone who came to that creative writing day for all of their hard work, and their input … and for buying some of my books, too!

More scribblers!