Thank you to Lois, Liz, Sally and Daren for all their hard work at last weekend’s Relax & Write Short Story Retreat, which I was running at the rather impressive Royal Agricultural University, near Cirencester.
The photo above shows me with my delegates, along with the delegates of the romance writing course led by my part-time wife (it’s a long story), Kate Walker. Kate’s full-time husband is on the far right (I told you, it’s complicated!).
It’s surprising how much can be achieved over a weekend, but course organiser Lois Maddox insists on there being time to relax …
and write …
(The chocolates you can see on the desk are bribery from me. You can’t go wrong with chocolates with a group of writers, believe me.)
All four delegates had stories worthy of development, and with some group exercises and some one-to-ones we knocked them into shape. Here’s hoping they see publication in a magazine, or placement in a competition soon!
And if you want to know what the grounds of the Royal Agricultural University look like, check out my images on Alamy.