Hotbank Crags

My photo of Hotbank Crags on Hadrian’s Wall can be seen in the Viewpoints section of Outdoor Photography magazine (issue 308 – out July 2024). It was taken in August …

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Lost in the Golden Valley

“Off to Hay-on-Wye?” enquires the cyclist waiting alongside me at the traffic light. “Golden Valley,” I reply, through my open car window.  She beams. “It’s beautiful. But that’ll be the …

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Carlisle Cathedral

As cathedrals go, Carlisle’s could be classified as compact. Some tourist guides may refer to it as the smallest of the Church of England’s ancient cathedrals, but it still has …

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Picturesque Portmeirion

“Is this your first time at Portmeirion?” The receptionist hands me my ticket and a handy village map. “No, this must be my fourth visit,” I reply. “But I always …

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Clun Weekend Walks

There’s not one, but two of my walks in the February issue of Country Walking magazine. Each route explores a different section of the Clun valley, but both starting from …

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Charming Kirkby Lonsdale

“You’ll have to turn round in a minute,” says an elderly chap, walking his dog. “The footpath is closed.” He thumbs over his shoulder as his West Highland Terrier jumps …

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Glorious Gloucester

Mt feature about looking for a special Christmas present features in the latest issue of The People’s Friend magazine (dated 25th November 2023). Gloucester is a fab place to explore, …

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Mitchell’s Fold and Bromlow Callow

The December 2023 issue of Country Walking features my 6.25-mile walk around Mitchell’s Fold stone circle, and the tree-topped hill of Bromlow Callow. Here’s a view of Mitchell’s Fold: And …

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Snailbeach and Habberley

My latest route is in the November 2023 issue of Country Walking. If you’re tackling it in winter, pack your wellies, for there was a really wet bit in Maddox’s …

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