The Business of Writing – Volume 4

The Business of Writing – Volume 4
Check out the previous three volumes!

If you self-publish a book, do you really have to deposit a copy with the legal deposit libraries? How useful are the AI (artificial intelligence) grammar checkers, and how should writers use them? What is comparisonitis, and how should writers treat it?How do you start advertising your books, and are those newsletter services any good? Can writers make money on online platforms like and are letters and fillers in magazines still profitable? These and many more questions are answered in this fourth volume of articles.

Contributors include:
​​​​​​​Faith Martin, Naomi Hirahara, Lisa Lepki, Claire McGowan, Sharon Booth, Elaine Everest, Heather Allison, Catherine Clarke, Deb Potter, Jill Cooper, Tony Mitton, Louise Rose-Innes, Craig Martelle, Emily Organ, Alison Morton, MJ Porter, Kate Walker, John Jackson, Anita Faulkner, Marianne Rosen, Elana Johnson, Connor Whiteley, Eric Thomson, Maria Frankland, Mario Lopez-Goicoechea, Gemma Amor, Jason Hamilton, Maggie Cobbett, Melvina Young and Gledé Browne Kabongo. 

The articles cover the following topics:

  1. How To Succeed With A Series
  2. Legal Deposit
  3. Copyright Basics
  4. How Good Is Artificial Intelligence’s Grammar?
  5. Don’t Get Infected
  6. Sizing Up Your Publisher
  7. Covering Up
  8. The Art of Advertising
  9. Having A Worldwide presence
  10. Time Zones
  11. Pitch Perfect
  12. Free Gifts
  13. BookBub Bonanza
  14. The Love Business
  15. Taxing Questions
  16. Radio Waves
  17. Pre-Order Pointers
  18. Amazon A+
  19. Medium Money
  20. Avoiding Creative Exhaustion
  21. Filler Finance
  22. The Cost of Creativity Crisis
  23. Season’s Greetings
  24. KISS: Keep It Simple Self-Publishing
  25. Go Wide