The Lawley

BBC Countryfile – Spring 2023 issue

Check out my walking route is the latest issue of Countryfile magazine. This 4 mile route traverses The Lawley, one of the Stretton Hills, offering some absolutely staggering views – perfect for a summer’s evening stroll. And if you don’t believe me about the views, then check out the pictures below!

You can get the full route details from my pages on the Countryfile website here.

Looking towards North Shropshire from The Lawley © Simon Whaley
The view towards The Long Mynd and Church Stretton from The Lawley © Simon Whaley
The Wrekin and Wenlock Edge from The Lawley © Simon Whaley
North Shropshire from The Lawley © Simon Whaley

And here’s the full 360 from the summit:

The Lawley 360 from the summit © Simon Whaley