Check out the September 2013 issue of Country Walking magazine: Now is the perfect time to explore the Shropshire Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – one of the most overlooked areas of upland wilderness in Britain …For a two-day itinerary, exploring both the Long Mynd and the Stretton Hills, my article “48 Hours in … The Shropshire Hills” provides three route suggestions to give a full taster of what the Stretton Valley has to offer.
Day One: an 8.5-mile route up onto the Long Mynd via Carding Mill Valley and then back through Ashes Hollow, into Little Stretton. Take time out for afternoon tea and then relax the legs with a 4-mile saunter up Ragleth Hill, offering great views over Ape Dale.
Day Two: a 7.75-mile route over Hope Bowdler Hill to cardington, where you can enjoy a slice of Fidget Pie at the Royal Oak, before returning back to town along the old Cwms Lane.
The magazine also has an 8.75-mile route across The Lawley and Caer Caradoc, which I tested, for those who can take an extra day off work!
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