The Positively Productive Writer has it’s first 5-star review on Amazon:
For the last two years I have been wanting to give up my job and become a freelance writer. I have always blamed lack of time for not fulfilling my ambitions. However reading Simons book I realise that I don’t need big chunks of time. I CAN do a bit here and a bit there and get as much done.I work full time at the moment and am hoping to drop a day in the New year and my goal is to be able to give up my job completely and write full time by this time next year. So far I have ony had letters published in magazines not proper articles but Simon has filled me with a new confidence. I can do it and I will.It is a brilliant book. I have also discovered his website and it is full of really helpful information.If you are an aspiring writer who needs inspiration get hold of this book as soon as possible.