Five-star review number 9

Another five star review has been left on Amazon for The Positively Productive Writer:

M. P. Johnson Esq (UK) – See all my reviews
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For those of us struggling in full-time jobs, desperate to leave the world of the working wounded to pursue our dreams of becoming writers, this book is a breath of fresh air. I read a few pages this morning before beginning another soul-destroying day in local government, and I already feel positive about achieving my dream of writing full-time. Simon’s enthusiasm and positivity shines through and banishes those doubts we all have – not to mention the little negative ‘voice’ that creeps in every now and then. The message is: if you want to be a writer, you can be, but only you can make it happen. With this book to help you, you’re one step nearer that dream. Go for it – today!

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