Gummer’s How, at the southern end of Windermere, is one of those fantastic viewpoints in the Lake District that doesn’t require the ascension of Everest in order to see it. A steep road leads up from the A592, near Fell Foot Country Park, to a signed Forestry Commission car park on the right, from where a path opposite takes you the final climb to its top.
Someone once said to me at the top of the summit, “I’ve climbed all 214 Wainwrights (the fells that Wainwright climbed and wrote about in his series of guidebooks) and this is the best view from the lot of them.” Fair praise, indeed.
It’s a well-known viewpoint, particularly popular at weekends and bank holidays, but as you can see from my photo in the December issue of Outdoor Photography magazine this month, it’s still possible to find some space to yourself and admire the view.
To see some more of my photos captured from this viewpoint, click here.