Hotbank Crags

My photo of Hotbank Crags on Hadrian’s Wall can be seen in the Viewpoints section of Outdoor Photography magazine (issue 308 – out July 2024). It was taken in August …

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Rydal Water

The December issue of Outdoor Photography magazine has one of my images in their Viewpoint section. It was taken during Christmas week last year, while I was staying in Grasmere. …

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The Long Mynd – Outdoor Photography

The viewpoint image in this month’s Outdoor Photography magazine (July 2019 issue) was taken from Burway Hill, overlooking Caer Caradoc, The Lawley and The Wrekin.

In the accompanying text, I recommend parking in Carding Mill Valley and then picking up the Burway lane, which climbs up onto the Long Mynd.

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Hope Bowdler Hill – Outdoor Photography

It was glorious. There was a hint of the summer warmth to come, as the sun slowly sank behind the Long Mynd. I was on Hope Bowdler Hill, one of the quieter Stretton Hills, and not far from Caer Caradoc.

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Outdoor Aberdyfi

Check out the March 2018 issue of Outdoor Photography magazine and inside you’ll find my photo of Aberdyfi in the Viewpoint section.

Viewpoints section – Outdoor Photography magazine – March 2018

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Gummer’s How – Outdoor Photography

gummers-how-outdoor-photography-december-2016Gummer’s How, at the southern end of Windermere, is one of those fantastic viewpoints in the Lake District that doesn’t require the ascension of Everest in order to see it. A steep road leads up from the A592, near Fell Foot Country Park, to a signed Forestry Commission car park on the right, from where a path opposite takes you the final  climb to its top.

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Misty South Shropshire

My photo of a misty South Shropshire, as seen from Ragleth Hill, appears in the February 2016 issue of Outdoor Photography, under the Viewpoints section.

The River Colwyn

The River COlwyn - Outdoor Photography - November 2013

Captivated by a riverside spot in the heart of Snowdonia, Simon Whaley returns the following morning to photograph the location in beautiful, late autumnal light.

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