I’ve been busy, recently, being interviewed by the lovely Anita Loughrey, for her Research Secrets column in Writers’ Forum magazine. It’s a fascinating column where she asks writers and authors to share their research tips.
Every writer has their own way of doing things and it’s always fascinating to know the little tips and shortcuts that other writers use. I just hope this month’s readers find my tips useful!

One of the tips I mention in the interview is the fact that a camera is a fantastic research tool. As most of us have a mobile phone in our pockets these days, we all have an extremely useful research tool with us at all times. I often snap images of information boards and panels, which I can then review later. No need to busy scribbled down in a notebook all the information on such panels. Just click – and carry on.
Anita’s put some of my advice on her blog, here: https://anitaloughrey.blog/2019/08/26/an-interview-with-simon-whaley-2/
Talking of photos, I discovered that one of my photos has been used to help illustrate a piece in The Guardian this week about the best Open-Top Bus routes in the UK. if you want to know whether your local route made the top ten, then check it ou