Hotbank Crags

My photo of Hotbank Crags on Hadrian’s Wall can be seen in the Viewpoints section of Outdoor Photography magazine (issue 308 – out July 2024). It was taken in August …

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The Joys of Photography

Click! With one finger depression, or tap on an LCD screen, it’s captured. A brief moment in time. A moment so fleeting it is consigned to the past, never to …

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Wordsworth and Bing

No, not a new double act between the poet and singer, but a search engine’s use of one of my photos to celebrate the anniversary of Wordsworth’s 250th birthday.

Bing has used one of my photos for their search page background for today – it’s of daffodils flowering at Dora’s Field, near Rydal, in the Lake District, Cumbria.

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Interviews and Open Top Busses!

I’ve been busy, recently, being interviewed by the lovely Anita Loughrey, for her Research Secrets column in Writers’ Forum magazine. It’s a fascinating column where she asks writers and authors to share their research tips.

Every writer has their own way of doing things and it’s always fascinating to know the little tips and shortcuts that other writers use. I just hope this month’s readers find my tips useful!

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The Long Mynd – Outdoor Photography

The viewpoint image in this month’s Outdoor Photography magazine (July 2019 issue) was taken from Burway Hill, overlooking Caer Caradoc, The Lawley and The Wrekin.

In the accompanying text, I recommend parking in Carding Mill Valley and then picking up the Burway lane, which climbs up onto the Long Mynd.

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Hope Bowdler Hill – Outdoor Photography

It was glorious. There was a hint of the summer warmth to come, as the sun slowly sank behind the Long Mynd. I was on Hope Bowdler Hill, one of the quieter Stretton Hills, and not far from Caer Caradoc.

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‘Selfie’ used in The Independent

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I was a little surprised to discover that a photo I’d taken of myself (using the camera’s self-timer option) has been bought and used by The Independent newspaper to illustrate a book review about request-stop railway station …

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Most Haunted Universities in the UK?

The Telegraph ran a feature in October 2013 listing the top ten most haunted universities in the UK, and used one of my photos to illustrate the ghost story for …

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2014 Calendars

A selection of 2014 calendars have just hit the shelves, and contain a selection of my own images …

2014 Devon

My photograph of the clapper bridge in Dartmoor has been selected as the image for February:

2014 Devon Calendar

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