Photography for Writers – Swanwick 2023 – August

Date: Wednesday 9th August 2023
Time: 2.15pm to 3.15pm
Venue: Swanwick Writers Summer School at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire
Booking/Cost: These workshops are part of the 5-day Writers Summer School conference.

Writers need to be photographers. Whether it’s snapping research photos for our next novels, or taking photos to illustrate our magazine articles, a good photo paints a thousand words. You don’t need to be a professional photographer though: smartphones take publishable photos.
This workshop will explore:

  • how to analyse photos in magazines to identify the style of images editors look for,
  • how to submit photos to publications,
  • the law relating to photography,
  • how to compose and take better photos with your phone,
  • and how to use your phone’s camera as a research tool.

If you have any queries about this workshop, please don’t hesitate to contact me.