Giving Readers More Choice

According to The Bookseller magazine (16th March 2012), I made the ‘Most Interesting Comment’ online last week. It was in response to one of their regular columnists, Scott Pack, who was explaining why there has been an explosion in self-published content and the influence that the traditional publishers’ approach to publishing has had on this.

Most Interesting Comment – The Bookseller – 16th March 2012

It’s clear that there is much still to do in ‘sorting out’ how writers can make a living in the future from their creations. But perhaps those writing fiction need to think more about the potential market for their work and one way of demonstrating this to traditional publishers is to self-publish first. Identifying the potential readership for a non-fiction book is part and parcel of being a non-fiction writer, something I have had to do for all of my traditionally published non-fiction books.

But as I also point out in my response to Scott’s blog, it is frustrating when some publishers have acquired the electronic rights in my books and have chosen not to do anything with them. As a writer, I would be happy to get involved in the formatting process of converting my text for electronic format, to give readers the opportunity of reading my books in whichever format they choose.

To read Scott Pack’s blog posting and my response in full go to

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