If you’re interested in writing, then here are all the books I’ve written just for you. There are two series from which to choose:
The Practical Writer Series is a collection of books designed to get you writing. And the Business of Writing Series brings together all of my articles from my Business of Writing column in Writing Magazine.
The Practical Writer Series
The Complete Article Writer began life as a series of eight step-by-step workshops that took delegates through the process of creating a publishable article. In book format its aim is the same: to show you how to get from a potential idea to a finished article written for a specific readership. The Complete Article Writer explores:
– article ideas: generating ideas and maximising their potential
– magazine analysis: identifying your potential readers and the aspects of your idea that will interest them most
– article structure: choosing the best structure for your idea, and how to make it an engaging read
– creativity: adding interest and sparkle to your article
– pitching: selling your idea to an editor before you write the article
– rights: understanding the rights a magazine buys from you, and how you can re-use your ideas.
Which would you rather be: the writer who got paid £100 for providing the words to a travel article, or the writer/photographer who got paid £250 for providing pictures with those same words for a travel article? Editors are looking for complete words and picture packages these days, so writers who can provide both stand a better chance of success, and also higher rates of pay. And you don’t need to have a professional camera to do this – a simple, pocket, compact camera is capable of taking publishable photos these days, so why shouldn’t you be one of those better paid writers?
Photography for Writers will show you how to make the most of your compact camera, and how to save, store, and retrieve your photos, as well as how to offer these photos to an editor. There’s advice on how to get to know your compact camera, things to think about when taking photos abroad, some of the legal implications of taking photos and advice on how to use your camera as a research tool.
Can’t find time to write? Daunted by the sheer size of your writing project? Lost your motivation? Scared of being rejected?
It doesn’t matter whether you want to write a page-turning novel, a life-changing non-fiction book, produce fascinating features or sizzling short stories, there comes a point when you have to sit down and write. That’s when negativity and despondency show up. To achieve your writing dreams, you need a positively productive mindset.
Inside The Positively Productive Writer (Second Edition), you will learn how to:
- embrace rejection, tame Imposter Syndrome, and avoid comparisonitis,
- find more time to write, and turbo-boost your productivity by designating it ‘maker’ time or ‘manager’ time,
- banish Writers’ Block, embrace sloppy copy, and celebrate your writing success,
- and so much more!
The Business of Writing Series
What is a writer’s responsibility when it comes to tax? What legal implications should writers be aware of? What records should writers maintain, and what’s the best way of doing that? How do you cope with rejection or those crises of confidence that we all have from time to time? When is a pseudonym necessary? How can you improve your productivity?
These, and many more, questions are answered in this collection of articles, in the Business of Writing, Volume 1, first published in Writing Magazine.
More than 50 professional writers, some of whom have appeared on the bestseller lists in the UK, or the New York Times and USA Today, share their tips and advice for making the most of your writing business.
How do you attract an agent? Ever thought of funding your next book through crowdfunding? How do you deal with failure? Do you understand your royalty statements? What’s a media kit, and should you have one?
This, and many more questions, are answered in this second collection of articles that first appeared in Writing Magazine.
How do you arrange a virtual blog tour? When it comes to writing, are two heads better than one? How do you go about creating an audiobook? Should you produce your own author newsletter? Can poets earn a living from writing? Are there grants for writing projects and, if so, how do you get one?
These, and many more questions, are answered in this third collection of articles that first appeared in Writing Magazine.